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We know that it will only be possible to achieve our goals regarding our sustainability policies with the determination of our valuable business partners and our expert staff. For this reason, we provide the necessary dedication to create opportunity areas that will contribute to the solution of environmental problems in production processes and business relationships we establish.

One of the most important aspects of our sustainability strategy is to offer solutions to our customers and lead their transition to a more sustainable future. In this regard, we strive to minimize environmental impacts together with our suppliers during the solution delivery phase.

Within the scope of the environmental impact reduction supplier policy, our suppliers are evaluated to ensure that the packaging of the products we purchase is environmentally friendly/sustainable, and as a result of this evaluation, the use of the relevant packaging is encouraged to be environmentally friendly.

With this policy, it is planned to contribute to environmental indicators through our suppliers and it is aimed to reduce our impact on environmental pollution by making the packaging reusable and environmentally friendly.

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